domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009



Teano born in Crotone, was a disciple of Pythagoras and married him. Taught in the Pythagorean school.

Preserved fragments of letters and writings show that she was a woman who wrote a lot, but only fragments are preserved, like the book "On Piety," which reflects on "the number" according to the Pythagorean conception of the school .

Were assigned on the other treaties and regular polyhedra on the theory of proportion, especially on the golden ratio.

The education received at school allowed Teano, the wife of Pythagoras to his daughters and their classmates do poetry, mathematics or psychology. Texts have been identified Teano of Perictione and more.

After the rebellion against the government of Crotone, on the death of Pythagoras, Teano went on to lead the community, the school was destroyed and its members exiled and scattered, but with the help of two of her daughters spread philosophical and mathematical knowledge Greece and Egypt.

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